Fast Fact Lessons
Short topic specific lessons that provide useful overviews of financial planning concepts and tools.
Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.
Resource Library
Understand the most common tax documents encountered when servicing Financial Advisory Clients
Fast Facts, Investments
Exchange Funds are a unique strategy sometimes utilized by high net worth clients. Understanding the complexities of these products will help build trust and confidence with your top clients.
Fast Facts
The basics of Margin Accounts, part of AEP's Fast Facts lessons
Fast Facts, Financial Concepts
A 5 min explanation of the Back Door Roth Strategy and an important potential pitfall to avoid
Fast Facts, Financial Concepts
Workplace retirement plans are a common source of funding for client IRA accounts. In this lesson you will learn the steps to process a rollover with a client and what considerations to be aware of to make it go as smoothly as possible.
Fast Facts, Financial Concepts
A summary of a unique planning strategy for clients who own highly appreciated company stock inside their 401k plan