Financial Advisory Client Service Certificate Program
The Key To Accuracy And Excellence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize and manage our emotions, behaviors, and impulses, as well as apply this knowledge to the world around us.
A good start with a prospect is key to converting them to a client and building a long term successful relationship. And perhaps nothing is more important then a good first meeting. Learn to prepare for and conduct an effective prospect meetings.
Successfully and accurately completing your daily tasks lies in your ability to properly prioritize those tasks. Teresa Riccobuono, CEO of Simply Organized, explains the What, When and How's of becoming a Prioritizing Pro.
The IRS code allows the ability for distributions from qualified assets under Rule 72(t). Understanding both what a 72(t) distribution is and how to set one up without running afoul of IRS rules is critical.
Exchange Funds are a unique strategy sometimes utilized by high net worth clients. Understanding the complexities of these products will help build trust and confidence with your top clients.